We are nearing the end of another year and we are also nearing the end of Kahlan's Cancer Treatments here in California. This year has been filled with excitement, worry, tears, prayers, love, exhaustion, happiness, Family and surprises.
The year started with Albert getting home from a deployment, we were so happy to get him home safe. Which was followed by the horrible news that Kahlan had a very rare and dangerous tumor, ATRT. She then under went her first brain surgery at Primary Childrens in UT.
We were then sent moving to Monterey California for Albert to learn French at DLI. On the way to California, we had to leave Sammie and Alex with my family so that I could take care of Kahlan at UCSF Children's Hospital. Albert started his French classes and Kahlan started her first round of chemotherapy. Things were really hard during this time, with our family in 3 different places and we were unsure if Kahlan was going to make it. Shortly after Kahlan's 2nd round of chemotherapy, and MRI showed us distressing news. Kahlan's tumor had grown back to half its original size. She then had her second brain surgery. It was amazing to see how resilient Kahlan is with the right medical attention, prayers and blessing from Heavenly Father.
The next step was to have Samantha and Alexander come home to monterey! We had missed each other so much during the 2 1/2 months they were gone. Now we were back together for a short time until Kahlan started radiation.
The kids were able to stay with Kahlan and I because Albert's sweet wonderful sister Rosemary was able to come and live with us. It was so nice to have all of the kids together again, but we were still apart from Albert, which made it hard. It was very hard having Rosemary leave, but Grandma Wilson came out twice and babysat Sammie and Alex and Grandpa Lieske came and took care of them too! It has been so amazing to us to see how much we all need each other and how important families are! Family and friends have made this year bearable for us. We have felt all the love and concern and it has made all the difference!
The last of Kahlan's treatments included 2 stem cell harvests and then 3 tandem stem cell transplants with high dose chemotherapy. This last phase has taken well over 3 months so far. However the end is in sight! Kahlan is done with her official treatments and now all that is left are tests to make sure she is cancer free!
Also during this time, Albert graduated from DLI and also got his Associates Degree. We are so proud of him for all of his hard work and dedication. Its hard enough to pass the class without a daughter undergoing cancer treatments. We also found out that I am Pregnant and that I am due May 22nd 2010. We weren't planning on having a baby yet, but I guess God has other plans for us!
Now Albert is all moved back to Ut, and is working at Camp Williams. Sammie and Alex are at Grandma Lieske's and Kahlan is being treated with antibiotics for a fever she had a few days ago. Things are starting to slow down. In 2 weeks Kahlan and I are headed to UT and starting a new journey. We are hoping and praying that life can go to somewhat of a normal pace for us. We are excited to be pregnant with our 4th and final child. We are excited to be together as a family! We are so Thankful that Kahlan has made it through this ordeal and that we can now be together! We are grateful to the lord for blessing us with so many wonderful blessings this year!